Programs for Children
You are your child’s first and most important teacher, and every time you talk, read and sing together, your child learns. Studies show doing these three activities from birth dramatically increases language and other skills essential for school success.

While babies may not speak their first word for a year, they are born ready to communicate with a rich vocabulary of body movements, cries and visual responses: all part of the complex language of infant behavior. This class will make sense of a language that we ourselves may not have spoken since our earliest moments.
Join us in a supportive environment to strengthen the ability to understand your baby’s cues and responses. Parents or “alloparents” (which includes foster parents, grandparents, or caregivers), will strengthen their attachment and attunement to infants during the sensitive perinatal period.
Sessions will focus on:
- Breastfeeding - Routines
-Talk, Read, Sing -Gentle Sleep

Learn effective ways to engage your child with fun and safe activities. Open to families with children birth to two years of age.
The first five years of life – starting prenatally – are vitally important for building a strong
foundation for lifelong health and well-being. During this critical period of development,
a healthy brain forms 700 new neural connections every second, reaching 80% of the
size of an adult’s brain by age three. Responsive, nurturing caregiving in safe, engaging
environments fosters healthy brain development, creating a strong foundation for
children to develop the social, emotional, cognitive and physical skills needed to thrive
in school and throughout life.

Open to families with children three to five years of age.

Program Schedule
Come and join us!
Monday 10:00am-11:00am Tuesday 10:00am-11:00am Thursday 10:00am-11:00am Location: The Children’s Kingdom 1011 Line St. Room 10
Family Resiliency Center
Talk. Read. Sing. Coming Soon
Promoting First Relationships Coming Soon
Talk. Read. Sing. Coming Soon
Promoting First Relationships Coming Soon
Talk. Read. Sing. Coming Soon
Promoting First Relationships Coming Soon
Family Fun Fridays Coming Soon