San Benito County
Population Served
Children under 3 years old
Children 3 to 5 years old
* Excludes 0 children with unknown language
* Excludes 0 children with unknown race/ethnicity
Total Revenue
First 5 California Impact Funds
Prop 10 and Small Pop Funds
Public and Philanthropic Funds
Grant Funds
Total Expenditures
Program and Evaluation Costs
Administration Costs
Program type Clients served
Family Functioning
General Family Support 524 children
Intensive Family Support 20 children
Child Development
Early Learning Programs 552 children
(Direct Costs)
Quality Early Learning 321 children
Child Health
General Health Education 38 children
and Promotion
Oral Health Education 29 children
and Treatment
San Benito County Highlight
San Benito County has long been thought of as a rural, agricultural community. For many families living in rural areas, access to early learning programs and services is difficult. A shortfall in medical, dental, and mental health providers creates additional barriers to accessing preventive healthcare, which is critical to the health and well-being of children. Additionally, the percentage of 3- and 4-year olds who attend preschool has been decreasing since 2012. First 5 San Benito serves 100% of families living in the rural areas of the county through an evidence-based home visiting program and intense family support, as a means of improving outcomes for children prenatal through age five, and their families. The program strengthens families by providing early learning opportunities, developmental screening, family literacy support, and early intervention services in their home. The home visiting program meets the individual needs of each family. For example, one of the parents participating in First 5’s Parents as Teachers (PAT) home visiting program wanted to go to college but faced language and financial barriers. Her PAT home visitor informed her of financial aid opportunities and basic needs support that would make attending college possible for her. In addition, the home visitor connected her child to developmental playgroups, literacy programs, and preschool.